
Nothing but the Tooth

A Dental Odyssey

Barry K. B. Berkovitz

2013年 A5判 248頁




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1 The Jaws of the Piranha
2 Tusks and Ivory
3 How Two Young Dentists Changed the History of Surgery :
  Horace Wells (1815-1848) and William Thomas Green Morton (1819-1868)
4 What is a Tooth?
5 Teeth in the Most Unlikely Places
6 Snakes, Saliva and a Nobel Prize
7 You Are What You Eat: How a Tooth Can Reveal Hwere You Came from and What You Ate
8 Teeth of Rock-Climbing Gobies: The Most Remarkable Dentitions in the Animal Kingdom?
9 Why Can't I Have Lots of Sets of Teeth Like a Shark?
10 Serendipity and the Discovery of the Modern Dental Implant
11 Hens' Teeth Are Not as Rare as You Think
12 John Hunter and the London Tooth Museum
13 Why Should It Matter How Long Our Ancestors' Teeth Took To Develop?
14 Two Notorious People with Dental Connections :
  Dr Hawley Harvey Crippen (Convicted Wife Murderer) and John Henry (Doc) Holliday (Gambler and Gunman)
15 Two Famous People with Dental Connections :
  Paul Revere (American Patriot) and Bernard Cyril Freyberg (Soldier)
16 A Winning Smile: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder