
Clinical Problem Solving in Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Declan Millett・Richard Welbury

2005年 A4判 194頁


Churchill Livingstone


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1 Median diastema
2 Unerupted upper central incisor
3 Absent upper lateral incisors
4 Crowding and buccal upper canines
5 Palatal canines
6 Infra-occluded primary molars
7 Increased overjet
8 Incisor crossbite
9 Reverse overjet
10 Increased overbite
11 Anterior open bite
12 Posterior crossbite
13 Late lower incisor crowding
14 Prominent chin and TMDJDS
15 Drifting incisors
16 Appliance-related problems
17 Tooth movement and related problems
18 Cleft lip and palate
19 Nursing and early childhood caries
20 The uncooperative child
21 Disorders of erupution and exfolication
22 Pain control and carious teeth
23 Facial swelling and dental abscess
24 The displaced primary incisor
25 The fractured immature permanet incisor crown
26 The fractured permanent incisor root
27 The avulsed incisor
28 Poor quality first permanent molars
29 Tooth discolouration, hypomineralization and hypoplasia
30 Mottled teeth
31 Tooth surface
32 Multiple missing and abnormally shaped teeth
33 Amelogenesis imperfecta
34 Amelogenesis imperfecta
35 Gingival bleeding and enlargement
36 Oral ulceration
37 Mind MapsR